Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Every Company is a Software Company

In 2016, we can see the future spread out before us like a sumptuous buffet. The possibilities are endless. We are moving toward that perfect  Gene Roddenberry spot in time where we are freed from the drudgery of bolting things together, filling out spreadsheets or even punching a time clock.  People will be freed to think and innovate and really come up with exciting and innovative solutions instead of bolting bumpers on Chevys or producing TPS reports.

How is this possible, you ask?  Automation.  The above-mentioned Chevy isn't bolted together by people anymore, it's produced by robots.  Why should Bill Lumbergh be coming by Peter's office saying "We have a problem with the cover sheet on the TPS report" when he should be clicking a button to produce it, the way that Impala is built?

The next logical question is "Why isn't everything being automated?"  The answer is complicated.  First, the people that can replace entire systems aren't in leadership roles.  In society today, either you do stuff, or you manage people who do stuff, but not both.  These managers don't have the knowledge sufficient to look at the big picture and produce that one piece of software that does everything.  Those days are coming to an end.

Let's take a little example.  Our sister company Sentia Health, took a look at the process of health insurance and what precisely could not be done by a machine.  You can't replace a doctor with a computer.  You can't dig the memory of what the doctor did to any given patient out of his head (there is a visual) and record it for him or her.  What you can do is to take that documentation, pull out the procedures and pay for them.  That is basically all the insurance company does.  The difference is that the traditional insurance company has a cast of thousands with medical coders, adjudicators, and big building and HR departments and generally wastes about 1/3 of your heard earned healthcare dollars.  Sentia Health takes those same records with no human intervention and pays for medical treatments in near real time for a small monthly fee of $10 per month.  This is about 1/10th of what the average insurance consumer pays his or her insurance company for the same service.  That isn't the first, nor even the second industry we have completely automated.

Whether you like it or not, your company or the company you work for is a software company.  Either you will get on board with the new way of doing business, or you will be run over by someone who has.  David Kirkpatrick of Forbes agrees saying "those who fail to adapt with be obsolete."  Joel Basgall says in Entrepreneur Magazine "You Need to Become a Software Company... or Die."  That is pretty harsh, and absolutely true.

We've given you quotes from the best minds in the business and an example of something We've actually done.  Heck, we have even automated the production of the software we are discussing here so you don't have to pay a fortune to have your business automated.  If you've been following along, you've heard that message before.  You have the ammunition you need to put your competitors out of business.  It's your job to pull the trigger and make the changes.  One of those competitors is taking aim at you right now.

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